

頸部銃創の1例. Neurosurgical Emergency 山田 茂樹,金子 隆昭,村井



脳転移を来した子宮体癌の1産婦人科の進歩  玉井 彦明,足立 憲彦,林 清士,

山田 茂樹,宇治 敬浩,金子 隆昭



Absence of linkage of familial intracranial aneurysms to 7q11 in highly aggregated Japanese families. Stroke. Yamada S, Utsunomiya M, Inoue K, Nozaki K, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N, Takenaka K, Yoshinaga T, Koizumi A.


Risk factors for fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage: the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study. Stroke. Yamada S, Koizumi A, Iso H, Wada Y, Watanabe Y, Date C, Yamamoto A, Kikuchi S, Inaba Y, Toyoshima H, Kondo T, Tamakoshi A; Japan Collaborative Cohort Study Group.



Genome-wide scan for Japanese familial intracranial aneurysms: linkage to several chromosomal regions. Circulation. Yamada S, Utsunomiya M, Inoue K, Nozaki K, Inoue S, Takenaka K, Hashimoto N, Koizumi A.


脳神経外科疾患の責任遺伝子解析の概説.脳神経外科 小泉 昭夫,山田 茂樹,宇都宮 真木,井上 佳代子,野崎 和彦,竹中 勝信,岩間 亨,鈴木 倫保,野村 貞宏,佐藤 純子,山川 弘保,阿部 雅光,田渕 和雄,松田 昌之,橋本 信夫


家族性脳動静脈奇形の遺伝子解析 脳神経外科ジャーナル 竹中 勝信依藤 純子山田 茂樹山川 弘保阿部 雅光田渕 和雄小泉昭夫



History of blood transfusion before 1990 is a risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular diseases: the Japan collaborative cohort study (JACC study). Cerebrovasc Dis. Yamada S, Koizumi A, Iso H, Wada Y, Watanabe Y, Date C, Yamamoto A, Kikuchi S, Inaba Y, Kondo T, Toyoshima H, Tamakoshi A; JACC Study Group.

Evaluation of adverse effects in intracarotid propofol injection for Wada test. Neurology. Mikuni N, Takayama M, Satow T,
Yamada S, Hayashi N, Nishida N, Taki J, Enatsu R, Ikeda A, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N.



Association analysis of common variants of ELN, NOS2A, APOE and ACE2 to intracranial aneurysm. Stroke. Mineharu Y, Inoue K, Inoue S, Yamada S, Nozaki K, Takenaka K, Hashimoto N, Koizumi A.


Search on chromosome 17 centromere reveals TNFRSF13B as a susceptibility gene for intracranial aneurysm: a preliminary study. Circulation. Inoue K, Mineharu Y, Inoue S, Yamada S, Matsuda F, Nozaki K, Takenaka K, Hashimoto N, Koizumi A.


家族性脳動脈瘤.日本臨床増刊号(インターベンション時代の脳卒中学 下)山田 茂樹、野崎 和彦、井上 佳代子、小泉 昭夫、橋本 信夫



Model-based linkage analyses confirm chromosome 19q13.3 as a susceptibility locus for intracranial aneurysm. Stroke. Mineharu Y, Inoue K, Inoue S,

Yamada S, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N, Koizumi A.


Risk Factors for Subsequent Hemorrhage in Patients with Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations. J Neurosurg. Yamada S, Takagi Y, Nozaki K, Kikuta K, Hashimoto N.


【症例報告】出血性素因に伴う硬膜下血腫の3例.神経外傷 佐藤 岳史、齊木 雅章、山田 茂樹、北川 雅史、土井 健人、八木 美雪



【専門医に求められる最新の知識】脳動静脈奇形の自然歴に関する知見.脳神経外科速報 山田 茂樹



【症例報告】右下肢不全片麻痺症状で搬送後に、頭部CTに引き続いて胸腹部造影CTを行って発見された急性大動脈解離の1例.脳卒中 山田 茂樹、佐藤 岳史、八木 美雪、勝山 和彦、山田 知行、齊木 雅章


【研究と報告】『努力-報酬不均衡モデル』を用いた地方自治体病院における医師と看護師の職業性ストレス評価.病院 山田 茂樹、柴野 昌子、宮下 孝子、吉田 博子、小田 裕美子、曽村 利子、林 めぐみ、村田 昌弥、沼波 輝、寺島 剛、武田 晋作


【特集 血栓症をめぐるわが国の疫学研究】JACC研究(The Japan Collaborative Cohort Study[1] 文部科学省科学研究費がん特定領域大規模コホート研究によるクモ膜下出血死亡リスク要因の網羅的解析.血栓と循環 山田 茂樹、小泉 昭夫


【原著】経皮的電気神経刺激は閉じ込め症候群における四肢運動機能回復を促進する.脳卒中 佐藤 岳史、齊木 雅章、山田 茂樹、八木 美雪、美馬 達哉



FDG-PET is a Pivotal Imaging Modality for Diagnosis of Stroke-onset Intravascular Lymphoma. Arch Neurol. Yamada S, Nishii R, Oka S, Higashi T, Yagi M, Satow T, Suzuki T, Saiki M.


Confirmation of an association of single-nucleotide polymorphism rs1333040 on 9p21 with familial and sporadic intracranial aneurysms in Japanese patients. Stroke. Hashikata H, Liu W, Inoue K, Mineharu Y, Yamada S, Nanayakkara S, Matsuura N, Hitomi T, Takagi Y, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S, Koizumi A.


Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system after ventriculoperitoneal shunt. J Neurosurg. Satow T, Yamada S, Yagi M, Saiki M.


Intravenous methylprednisolone reduces the risk of propofol-induced adverse effects during Wada testing. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). Mikuni N, Yokoyama Y, Matsumoto A, Kikuchi T, Yamada S, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S.


症例:脳表と硬膜の吻合血管の解離にて発症した急性硬膜下血腫の1例. 脳神経外科 佐藤 岳史、山田 茂樹、寺島 剛、武内 英二、八木 美雪、齊木 雅章



【原著】椎骨動脈解離性動脈瘤に対する血管内治療による母血管閉塞術-穿通枝閉塞によるWallenberg症候群を防ぐために - 脳卒中の外科 齊木 雅章、佐藤 岳史、山田 茂樹、石崎 竜司


Delayed initial radioactive iodine therapy resulted in poor survival in patients with metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma: a retrospective statistical analysis of 198 cases. J Nucl Med. Higashi T, Nishii R, Yamada S, Nakamoto Y, Ishizu K, Kawase S, Togashi K, Itasaka S, Hiraoka M, Misaki T, Konishi J.



Periventricular and deep white matter leukoaraiosis have a closer association with cerebral microbleeds than age. Eur J Neurol. Yamada S, Saiki M, Satow T, Fukuda A, Ito M, Minami S, Miyamoto S.


Patient-Specific Modeling and Multi-Scale Blood Simulation for Computational Hemodynamic Study on the Human Cerebrovascular System. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. Oshima M, Torii R, Tokuda S, Yamada S, Koizumi A.


Severe Underweight and Cerebral Microbleeds. J Neurol. Yamada S, Satow T, Fukuda A, Ito M, Saiki M



Calcification at orifices of aortic arch branches is a reliable and significant marker of stenosis at carotid bifurcation and intracranial arteries.
Eur J Radiol. Yamada S, Hashimoto K, Ogata H, Watanabe Y, Oshima M, Miyake H.


Intramural location and size of arterial calcification are associated with stenosis at carotid bifurcation.
Eur J Radiol. Yamada S, Oshima M, Watanabe Y, Ogata H, Hashimoto K, Miyake H.


Arterial location-specific calcification at the carotid artery and aortic arch for chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.
Calcif Tissue Int. Yamada S, Oshima M, Watanabe Y, Miyake H.


Quantitative Measurement of Blood Flow Volume in the Major Intracranial Arteries by Using 123I-Iodoamphetamine SPECT.
Clin Nucl Med. Yamada S, Kobayashi M, Watanabe Y, Miyake H, Oshima M.



Evaluation of Blood Volume Flow in High-Flow Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation using Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography.
INAT. Yamada S, Watanabe Y, Oshima M, Miyake H.


Three-dimensional observation of Virchow-Robin spaces in the basal ganglia and white matter and their relevance to idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus.
Fluids Barriers CNS.
Ishikawa M, Yamada S, Yamamoto K.


Arsenic Trioxide Sensitizes Glioblastoma to a myc Inhibitor. PLoS ONE. Yoshimura Y, Shiino A, Muraki K, Fukami F, Yamada S, Satow T, Fukuda M, Saiki S, Hojo M, Miyamoto S, Onishi N, Saya H, Inubushi T, Nozaki K, Tanigaki K.


Aneurysmal Location and Clipping versus Coiling for Development of Secondary Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Japanese Stroke Data Bank. J Neurosurg. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto K, Ino T, Kimura T, Kobayashi S, Japan Standard Stroke Registry Study Group.


Optimal Diagnostic Indices for iNPH based on 3D Quantitative Volumetric Analysis for the Cerebral Ventricle and Subarachnoid Space. American Journal of Neuroradiology. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto K.


【原著】頚部内頚動脈高度狭窄症の血行力学的脳梗塞リスクを予測する脳循環シミュレーションモデル. 脳卒中の外科. 山田 茂樹、大島 まり小林 匡治張 浩渡邉 芳彦三宅 英則山本 一夫


動脈硬化危険因子と血管石灰化病態. The Lipid. 山田 茂樹



Development of a Numerical Method for Patient-Specific Cerebral Circulation Using 1D–0D Simulation of the Entire Cardiovascular System with SPECT Data. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Zhang H, Fujiwara N, Kobayashi M, Yamada S, Liang F, Takagi S, Oshima M.


Comparison of CSF Distribution between Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Alzheimer Disease. American Journal of Neuroradiology. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto K.


Disability risk or unimproved symptoms following shunt surgery in patients with idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus: post hoc analysis of SINPHONI-2.

J Neurosurg. Yamada S, Kimura T, Jingami N, Atsuchi M, Hirai O, Miyajima M, Kazui H, Mori E, Ishikawa M, on behalf of the SINPHONI-2 Investigators.


Disproportionately enlarged subarachnoid space hydrocephalus in idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus and its implication in pathogenesis. Acta Neurochir Suppl. Ishikawa M,Ishikawa M, Oowaki H, Takezawa M, Takenaka T, Yamada S, Yamamoto K, Okamoto S.


Early and delayed assessments of quantitative gait measures to improve the tap test as a predictor of shunt effectiveness in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Fluids Barriers CNS. Ishikawa M, Yamada S, Yamamoto K.


Choroidal fissure acts as an overflow device in cerebrospinal fluid drainage: morphological comparison between idiopathic and secondary normal-pressure hydrocephalus. Scientific Reports. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Iwamuro Y, Yamamoto K.


Virchow-Robin腔の拡大と脳萎縮の関係性. 日本脳ドック学会報. 山田 茂樹石川 正恒



Disease duration: the key to accurate CSF tap-test in iNPH. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Miyajima M, Atsuchi M, Kimura T, Kazui H, Mori E, on behalf of the SINPHONI-2 Investigators.


Timed up and go test at tap test and shunt surgery in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Neurology: Clinical Practice. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Miyajima M, Nakajima M, Atsuchi M, Kimura T, Tokuda T, Kazui H, Mori E.


Cost-effectiveness analysis of shunt surgery for idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus based on the SINPHONI and SINPHONI-2 trials. Acta Neurochir (Wien). Kameda M, Yamada S, Atsuchi M,  Kimura T, Kazui H, Miyajima M, Mori E, Ishikawa M, Data I, SINPHONI-2 Investigators.


Fluid distribution pattern in adult-onset congenital, idiopathic and secondary normal-pressure hydrocephalus: Implications for clinical care. Front Neurol.

Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto K.


脳動脈瘤破裂によるくも膜下出血後の続発性正常圧水頭症併発リスク.  脳卒中の外科. 山田 茂樹石川 正恒山本 一夫


死亡時画像診断による脳卒中関連死.  脳卒中. 清水 裕章山田 茂樹松村 泰光木下 高之介宮前 伸啓安田 冬彦


特発性正常圧水頭症 (iNPH)の病態と画像解析  臨床画像. 山田 茂樹



Dilated Perivascular Spaces in the Centrum Semiovale Begin to Develop in Middle Age. J Alzheimers Dis. Ishikawa M, Yamada S, Yamamoto K.


Development of patient-specific 1D-0D simulation based on MRI and SPECT data. Journal of Biorheology. Zhang H, Fujiwara N, Kobayashi M, Yamada S, Liang F, Takagi S, Oshima M.


Differential Diagnosis between Low-Grade and High-Grade Astrocytoma Using System A Amino Acid Transport PET Imaging with C-11-MeAIB: A Comparison Study with C-11-Methionine PET Imaging. Contrast Media Mol Imaging. Nishii R, Higashi T, Kagawa S, Arimoto M, Kishibe Y, Takahashi M, Yamada S, Saiki M, Arakawa Y, Yamauchi H, Okuyama C, Hojo M, Munemitsu T, Sawada M, Kobayashi M, Kawai K, Nagamachi S, Hirai T, Miyamoto S.


VPシャントのための手術シミュレーション  医学のあゆみ. 山田 茂樹


グリンファティックシステムによる老廃物処理  Clinical Neuroscience. 山田 茂樹


髄液動態と正常圧水頭症  脳神経外科ジャーナル. 山田 茂樹石川 正恒山本 一夫


脳脊髄液と脳間質液の吸収ー髄膜脈管外通液路を介する髄液経リンパ管吸収メカニズムを中心に―  画像診断. 三浦 真弘、内野 哲哉、山田 茂樹



Quantitative Evaluation of Gait Disturbance on an Instrumented Timed Up-and-go Test. Aging and Disease. Yamada S, Aoyagi Y, Yamamoto K, Ishikawa M.


Location-specific characteristics of perivascular spaces as the brain's interstitial fluid drainage system. J Neurol Sci. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto K, Yamaguchi M, Oshima M.


Gait analysis in a component timed-up-and-go test using a smartphone application. J Neurol Sci. Ishikawa M, Yamada S, Yamamoto K, Aoyagi Y.


Utility of Preoperative Simulation for Ventricular Catheter Placement via a Parieto-occipital Approach in Normal-pressure Hydrocephalus. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto K.


Two-Point Dynamic Observation of Alzheimer's Disease Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. J Alzheimers Dis. Jingami N, Uemura K, Asada-Utsugi M, Kuzuya A, Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Kawahara T, Iwasaki T, Atsuchi M, Takahashi R, Kinoshita A.


Agreement study on gait assessment using a video-assisted rating method in patients with idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus. PLOS ONE. Ishikawa M, Yamada S, Yamamoto K.


Longitudinal morphological changes during recovery from brain deformation due to idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus after ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery. Scientific Reports. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Yamaguchi M, Yamamoto K.



日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌. 池田宜央、吉田常恭、山田 茂樹石川 正恒、神谷 亨


iNPH Diagnostic imaging - 脳室拡大の新たな指標  Rad Fan. 山田 茂樹



日本医事新報.  山田 茂樹山本 一夫石川 正恒青柳幸彦.



医学のあゆみ.  三浦 真弘山田 茂樹




Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus on four-dimensional flow imaging. European Radiology. Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Ito H, Yamamoto K, Yamaguchi M, Oshima M, Nozaki K.


特発性正常圧水頭症診療ガイドライン[第3版]メディカルレビュー社. 日本正常圧水頭症学会「特発性正常圧水頭症の診療ガイドライン作成に関する研究」班


水頭症. 頭蓋内圧亢進.【今日の問診票/診断辞典】Current Decision Supportデジタル版.  山田 茂樹



【最新ITによるリスク管理の実効力検証】医療行為に係る最新対策の要諦 iPhoneアプリを用いた歩行解析と今後の展望 安価かつ簡便な転倒予測システムを目指して . 新医療. 石川 正恒, 山田 茂樹, 青柳 幸彦

脳脊髄液減少症と体位性頻脈症候群 髄液循環に関する最新知見 髄膜関連リンパ管系を介するCSF吸収路を中心にして. 自律神経. 三浦 真弘, 内野 哲哉, 山田 茂樹


【イラストマンガでミニツク!学びなおしの脳神経 必須10疾患】水頭症. Brain Nursing.

山田 茂樹


重症の歩行障害を有する特発性正常圧水頭症患者の髄液シャント術後の入院リハビリテーション治療期間と歩行障害改善度の検討.リハビリテーション医学.  森口 八郎, 横内 葵, 石川 正恒, 山田 茂樹


脳血管疾患における血流の数値流体力学. 脳神経外科.  大島 まり, 山田 茂樹.


特発性正常圧水頭症のトピックス―超高齢社会への 適応に向けたガイドライン改訂の要点― 脳神経外科.  山田 茂樹.




Guidelines for Management of Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (Third Edition): Endorsed by the Japanese Society of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Nakajima M, Yamada S, Miyajima M, et al.


Quantification of Oscillatory Shear Stress from Reciprocating CSF Motion on 4D Flow Imaging. American Journal of Neuroradiology. Yamada S, Ito H, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto K, Yamaguchi M, Oshima M, Nozaki K.


Gait Assessment Using Three-Dimensional Acceleration of the Trunk in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. Front. Aging Neurosci. Yamada S, Aoyagi Y, Ishikawa M, Yamaguchi M, Yamamoto K, Nozaki K.